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Parkinson's Disease

Paul B.

Training regimen
Chair yoga 1x per wk. Walking outdoors, Care partner integrated training with Darbe 1-3x's per wk. since 2021
Movement history
College football player for Ohio State
  • On/Off fluctuations
  • Rigidity/Poor Posture
  • Hip flexor strength and activation
  • Walking/Shuffling
  • Shoulder ROM 
  • Sit 2 Stand challenges which are carrying over to challenges with transfers

  • Improve "On" times to optimize the sessions
  • Improve coordination during walking and seated marching
  • Improve reach estimation
  • Increase hip acceleration when sitting and marching
  • Increase amplitude in step length
  • Improve transfers without assistance
  • Train virtually with a care partner to ensure cueing strategies transfer outside of our sessions
  • Assist the care team to improve communication with MDS to extend his "On" times through better medication management
  • Flexible with session times to maximize the workouts when he's on
  • Use cueing techniques to increase hip acceleration when sitting and marching and step count goals to increase step length when walking
  • Seated stretches and exercises with cueing to ensure a greater ROM is reached
  • A lot of practice on weight transfer during sit to stands
  • Work on transitioning from different programs to improve his ability to organize movements very quickly


Paul was very weak when we first started training and since he has maintained consistency, he can easily complete 100 three pound biceps curls, he has eliminated any falls from occurring with the exception of one which was not typical and was minor, he beat covid, and has been able to sit and stand unassisted 20-30 times straight on good days.

Video documentation

Unassisted sit to stands. Not only about leg strength but it's about how to move the pelvis to allow proper weight transfer. 
Paul is able to also complete floor transfers so while he's down there he does some yoga :) 
Paul showing off. Interlimb coordination during a march is complex. This can sometimes present a challenge for him but on the days when he can do no wrong he likes to move with attitude. Which I love! 
Marching with weights. This requires a change in the velocity needed at the arms and he is able to adapt to that. 
Vocal training is important in Parkinson's. Sometimes we like to break all rules and have no rules and Paul sings whatever comes to mind. 
Paul B.